Live and Recorded Messages

Messages are a concise communication
about a single topic or issue

Choose from a "Quick-Clip" - a 15 to 45 Second Message to a "Short-Clip" –a two to ten minute message speaking to your customers, employees, partners or any other audience important to you.

These messages are scripted to introduce a subject, answer a question or convey the superiority of your solutions or expertise in a succinct and "to-the-point" manner. Use audio, video, interactive pages, animation, surveys and other powerful tools to fully engage your audience.

Ideas for Using a "Quick-Clip" or a "Short-Clip":

  • Announce a training program.
  • Insert in an email.
  • Insert in an online training module.
  • Create an experiential learning module.
  • Create a landing page for registration or announcement.
  • Be as creative as you like.

We can help you create your "Quick-Clip" or a "Short-Clip".
Select from the following alternatives:

Photo Message
Still shots used with animated text and graphics.

• Your slides, stills, or photos
• Your voiceover & music
• Assist with script & illustrated storyboard
• Provide additional graphics, titles and captions, and animation

Photo-Video Message
Add short video clips to photos for more interest.

• Your images
• Your video (up to 3 clips)
• Your voiceover & music
• Assist with script & illustrated storyboard
• Provide additional graphics, titles and captions, and animation

Full Video Message
A single Full motion video. Can be produced new or created from several video clips you already have on-hand.

• Your video (up to 6 clips)
• Your voiceover & music
• Assist with script & illustrated storyboard
• Provide additional graphics, titles and captions, and animation

Additional Services
Incorporating content you have already developed into an effective and interesting program will not only help ensure consistency of messaging across your company, but also drastically reduce the cost of program development.

But you may want some additional resources. We can supply talent of specialists for:

  • Voiceovers
  • Graphics and illustrations
  • Selection and production of graphics and illustrations
  • Creation of video and audio segments
  • Talent for video and audio segments
  • Webpage development
  • Post production