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Welcome  to  Daedalus

Welcome to the website for Graphical Reservoir Modeling Corporation (“GRM”), the developer of the “Daedalus” oil & gas reservoir simulator. 

Daedalus is a very powerful, yet easy to learn, easy to use, full featured reservoir simulator that allows users of all petroleum engineering backgrounds to obtain extremely fast, accurate solutions to a wide variety of well management and field development problems. 

On this site, you will find information about the company, its people, products, services and, of course, instruction on how to contact us to obtain more information. Full demos of the live system can be easily arranged. We can either come to your office in person or do it remotely via the internet. Please contact us soon for a demo and a discussion of how Daedalus may be applied to assist in your own operations. more about us

mining company profile

Deep Mining

metyade faditase

Lum mleiecneanrit maurillus hertam socatotibus etgisriea jes ertas leraeneasmonlusertas lrude rugiat masidabi nuncrtas jasrta odgravida atertaseras.

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Surface Mining

metyade faditase

Lum mleiecneanrit maurillus hertam socatotibus etgisriea jes ertas leraeneasmonlusertas lrude rugiat masidabi nuncrtas jasrta odgravida atertaseras.

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Land & Property

metyade faditase

Lum mleiecneanrit maurillus hertam socatotibus etgisriea jes ertas leraeneasmonlusertas lrude rugiat masidabi nuncrtas jasrta odgravida atertaseras.

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